Mihov Index Maker

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Page translated by: Miha Psenica
Program description translated by: Miha Psenica
Program translated by: Miha Psenica
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  Quick facts
Screen Shot Version: 1.50
Date: 11.9.2002
Size: 193 kB
Category: Web Authoring, Disk Organizer, Index Creation
Screen Shot
Licence: Free

Mihov Index Maker is a program that creates a HTML file containing links to different files on your hard disk drive. These files can be pictures (digital photos), text files or hypertext files. If the files are in HTML format (hypertext; internet format) the program automaticaly inserts the <TITLE> caption in the link, so you know the title of the file just by looking at the index (the title is usually more descriptive then just the file name). For other files the index displays just the file name.

How does it work? The program searches for all files in a folder, but you can set it up also to include subfolders of the selected folder. The program scans through all files in a given directory and through all files in all the subdirectories and creates one index file with links to all the files - all this is done with just one click.
The catalog page can be customized to some level. The user selects the title of the index file, as well as background image. The user has an option not to use page title and the program will instead use the file names for all file types. It's also possible to create a listing for FTP servers by including specific path in front of the file names.

This program is very useful if you have a lot of HTML files with file names that you don't understand (i.e. files from your browser's cache). You'll never be unsure again!

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Link Size Status
Download Mihov Index Maker indexmaker.exe 193 kB Server offline
IndexMaker.zip 156 kB Server offline

indexmaker.exe is a setup file that comes with install and uninstall support.
IndexMaker.zip is a zip archive file that needs no installation.


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