Welcome to Miha's utilities - Mihov Freeware!
Miha's utilities has been around since 1997. First as hobby developed software, later as very popular and wordwide used software and lately as a company that offers development and web solutions.
We still offer our mostly freeware and some shareware programs to the world. Some of the programs are very popular, making together now over 5 million downloads worldwide and still rising. The popularity is increased by several reviews in printed magazines, online download sites and even books.
The secret of Miha's utitlies success is that we love to create them and that they really help people save their time working with digital photos, graphics or the internet.
Read our company story and see our successes in the company profile.
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Latest new releases
So what's new?
- Mihov Active 800x600 version 4.0 released (Aug, 12th, 2016)
- New software web site! (Mar, 26nd, 2013)
- Page on Facebook where you can like us (please do!)