Seting the language
You can change the language of the program user interface by selecting
the item 'Language' from the main menu. Select your favorite language from
the sub menu. Currently, these languages are supported: English (default),
Slovenian, German, and
To add your own language to the program please use the 'Language'
menu item and select 'Add your own language on line'. A web page will open
where you will be able to translate all the expressions from the program to
your language. Your translation will be aded to the next version of the
program. Note: this feature will not be available until the next version
is out. Read more at the Translating the program
section of this document.
Viewing the pictures
Viewing the pictures is really easy and can be done in these simple steps:
- Select a folder with the images. The image list will open under the
folder list.
- Select proper filter for file names. The default is set to all supported
graphic formats. If you don't know what this means just leave as is.
- Click on any image once and the image will open in the left window.
- To see another image click another file name or move with your cursor
keys up and down the list.
Starting slideshow
First select the folder that contains the images you want to see as slideshow.
Then open main menu and select 'Start Slideshow' from the list. The slideshow
will automatically start.
You can stop the slideshow by repeating the same steps that start the slideshow.
The slideshow will also stop if you press any key when viewing the pictures.
Moving the image with the mouse won't stop the slideshow.
See Setting properties for more details about setting
slideshow time and order in which the images will be displayed.
Shrinking images to fit window
If an image is too large to fit the screen the option to Fit the image comes
in very handy. Open the main menu and select 'Shrink to fit'. The image will
be shrunk so you will be able to see the whole image on screen. The setting
will stay on for all the images you'll open after activating it. You can disable
it by repeating the steps that turn it on.
Note: sometimes shrniking an image can decrease the viewing quality of the
It is possible to zoom the image in or out. You can do that by pressing the
'+' or '-' keys on your keyboard or with 'Zoom in' and 'Zoom out' menu. The
images will be zoomed in steps of 1.5. If you want to reset the zoom setting
just click on the image name once more.
Moving the image
If you want to move the image on screen you can 'grab' it with mouse. You'll
notice a hand mouse cursor when moving over an image. Left click on the image
and don't release the mouse button. When still holding it move the mouse and
observe how the image is moved. You can reset the image position by clicking
on the image file name once more.
If you want to print the image use the 'Print...' option from the main menu.
A standard print dialog will open where you can set the desired print settings.
Setting properties
To set the program properties select the 'Properties' item from the main menu.
A new window will open that will allow you to specify default slideshow settings,
shrink to fit settings, and starting folder settings.
- You can select the slideshow direction by setting it to one of these:
forward, backward, or random. If random is selected the images will be shown
in random order. In any case the slideshow will start from the beginning when
the end (or start) of list is reached.
- Select the time between two images by inputting the time in seconds
in the provided text box.
- Check the 'Shrink to fit' check box if you want this option to be
on by default when you open the program.
- If you want to start in the same folder every time you run the program
check the 'Always start in the same folder' option. The field bellow will
be enabled and will let you specify this folder. Make sure that you include
the full path to it.
After you have set the settings be sure to press the 'Save settings' button
so the setting will be loaded the next time you run the program.
If you have played with the setting too much and you don't know what they
should be press the 'Load defaults' button. It will load the pre-programmed
settings for you.
Command line usage
You can load images by runnng ther program from command line. Use this example:
JPEGar.exe "c:\My Pictures\picture.jpg"
where first you write the name (and path) of the program and then one parameter - the file name (and path)
of the image file. Use double quotes for long filenasmes.
Other features
- Drag & Drop images directly from Explorer or other file manager
- Delete images to recycle bin from the program by pressing the 'Del'
key when you're browsing the image list
- Associate the file extensions with the program by using command-line
- The meter shows progress when loading large image files
- The program includes links to great freeware programs I wrote
- drag yellow divider between folder and image list and image window
to change their sizes