Miha's utilities CD

You are here: Mihov.com -> Freeware -> Order CD
By buying the CD you not only get great value but you also support the idea of free software and a young author. By ordering this CD you encourage me to write new versions of the programs, add new features to my programs, and keep me on the 'freeware track' - not escaping into the world of shareware.

On the CD you will find:
  • latest versions of all the programs available on the internet (plus some extras!)
  • new versions of some of the programs that are not on the net yet and are still being developed
  • archive of older versions of the programs
  • ... and more!
Enough reasons to buy the CD online now!

The price is only $20, which already includes post & packaging. The CD will be delivered to you by priority mail at no extra cost! You have to agree that this is a fair deal.
Click the button on the right to place an order now!

NEW! If you want, I can put all Miha's utilities on an USB dongle instead of a CD! In that case you will be able to take it with you to your traveling or business trips and will be able to run my programs directly from the dongle. If you decide to order the USB dongle (USB key), please send me a mail before buying so we can agree on the details. The price is the same as for the CD, but you get a nice USB keychain with it!

All the programs plus extras!

Click the button to place your secure order

(you will be transferred to a secure server where you will enter your address details)
Freeware CD Freeware USB dongle

Copyright © Miha Psenica