Development software from Miha's utilities
Our software for developers makes specific tasks easier, like configuring NSIS installer with GUI interface, getting ASCII codes of keys pressed instantly or just quickly viewing text files.
Our programs run on any 32 or 64 bit Windows environment, including Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, and even on Windows Vista and Windows XP.
Mihov NSIS Helper
This program is ment as help for software developers that use Nullsoft Installation System for deploying their software. It is a graphical extention to NSIS to simplify the process of writing the installation scripts.
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Mihov ASCII Master
Simple but useful utitity that shows you the ASCII value of any key you press (in both decimal and hex).
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Mihov Code View
This program helps you to view text files or source code files very quick. It features searching and printing, and it supports eight languages.